I am looking for information on the following files. If you have any facts on them (What do they do? What installs them? What happens if they aren't installed? What, if any, conflicts do they cause?), please let me know. I am looking for concrete information besides the clues which the item's name would provide ("The Butler SQL 68K extension is part of the Butler SQL system" is pretty easy to figure out... what does it really do?).
窶「 I'm looking for a copy of the Interslip SLIP package to evaluate the different pieces...
窶「 601 Processor Upgrade
窶「 AppleScan
窶「 AppleTalk Service
窶「 Arrange Backgrounder: installed by Canvas 5
窶「 At Ease ATA Extension (v1.0)
窶「 Butler DAL
窶「 Butler Link Access
窶「 Butler SQL 68K
窶「 Dongles Peace Init
窶「 GX Graphics (Apple extension)
窶「 Inline Support
窶「 InterfaceLib: some people get a message that this file is missing when launching AOL v3.0
窶「 IOTracer (control panel)
窶「 IrDALib: installed on PowerBooks with the InfraRed port
窶「 JgPly.PPC.shlb
窶「 LAT, AdminLAT (both control panels) and LAT Tool (a communications tool)
窶「 MacPAD: comm tool
窶「 Memory Minder Extension
窶「 Menu Manager Update: supposedly installed by After Dark
窶「 MS Internet Library (PPC): shared library installed by Microsoft Internet Explorer.
窶「 MW Runtime Lib
窶「 NetManage WinSock Lib: one supposed use of this file is for the game "You Don't Know Jack,"
to allow for communications with Windows machines when playing a 'net game.
窶「 npacrx_ppc.Lib: installed by Netscape Communicator
窶「 ODBC Cursor Library
窶「 Omnipotent Extension
窶「 PC Card Multifunction Update (v1.0)
窶「 PPC Exception Enabler
窶「 PPC TraceEnabler
窶「 Presenter INIT 1.9
窶「 SCLSharedLib 1.1 (installed by CyberStudio)
窶「 SCSIMonitor (v4.0)
窶「 Serial Update 406 (which was eliminated by the 7.5 Update 2.0, and was part of the Apple
Personal Modem package)
窶「 sx8300.Lib: installed by Netscape Communicator
窶「 Telephone Manager Extension
窶「 TELNET Driver
窶「 TranslationLib: from Apple's "E.T.O. package"
窶「 Video Digitizer Update 1.1 (from 1.5.1 VideoSoftwareInstaller)